Pick-Up & Drop-Off Scenarios

  • (For families with students in one or multiple buildings)

    Morris Elementary Only:

    • Drop off/pick‐up your children on the SOUTH side of Morris.

    Anderson Elementary Only:

    • Drop‐off/pick‐up your children on the NORTH side of Anderson.

    Intermediate School Only:

    • Drop‐off your children on the NORTH or SOUTH side of the intermediate school.
    • Pick up your children on the NORTH or SOUTH side of the intermediate school.

    Morris AND Anderson:

    • Drop‐off/pick‐up your children on the SOUTH side of Anderson (please pull ahead to the west end of the garden fence), then proceed to Morris pick‐up line.

    Preschool AND/OR Preschool with K-2 Siblings:

    • Drop-off/pick‐up your children on the NORTH side of Morris.
    • AM Drop Off (8:20am): Drop off at the NORTH entrance
    • AM Pick‐Up (11:15am): Teachers will share location with individual families during home visits
    • PM Drop‐Off (12:20pm): Drop off at the PS Playground entrance on the NW side of Morris
    • PM Pick‐Up (3:15pm): Pick up at the NORTH entrance

    Anderson AND Intermediate School:

    • Drop‐off/pick‐up your children BETWEEN Anderson and the intermediate school.

    Morris AND Intermediate School:

    • Intermediate school students are to be dropped-off/picked-up on the SOUTH side of Anderson (please pull ahead to the west end of the garden fence), then proceed to the Morris drop-off/pick-up area on the NORTH side of Morris.

    Morris, Anderson, AND Intermediate School:

    • Anderson and intermediate school students are to be dropped-off/picked-up on the SOUTH side of Anderson (please pull ahead to the west end of the garden fence), then proceed to the Morris drop-off/pick-up area on the NORTH side of Morris.

Pick-Up and Drop-Off Protocol

  • Morris Elementary: 

    • Parent Drop‐off/Pick-Up: Please see scenarios above and attached maps for guidance. Students can enter the building and will wait in their grade level hallways.
    • Bus Students: Students who ride a bus to school will be dropped off at the EAST entrance of Morris. Students can enter the building and will wait in their grade level hallways. 
    • Breakfast: We will begin serving breakfast at 7:30am.

     Anderson Elementary:

    • Parent Drop‐off/Pick-up: Please see scenarios above and attached maps for guidance. Students will proceed to the gym until they are dismissed for class (8:05-8:10am).
    • Bus Students: Students who ride a bus to school will be dropped off at the EAST entrance and will proceed to the gym until they are dismissed for class (8:05-8:10am).
    • Breakfast: We will begin serving breakfast at 7:30am. Students eating breakfast at Anderson will need to enter the building using the NORTH entrance.

     Intermediate School:

    • Parent Drop‐off/Pick-up: Please see scenarios above and attached maps for guidance. Students will enter the intermediate school and proceed to the lunchroom if they eat breakfast at school, or to the gymnasium until 8:05am when they will be released to class.
    • Bus Students: Students who ride a bus to school will be dropped off at the EAST entrance of the middle school. Bus students will enter the EAST entrance and proceed to the lunchroom if they eat breakfast at school, or to the gymnasium until 8:05am when they will be released to class.

Picking Your Child Up During The School Day

  • Garfield Street will be closed to parents during the following times when school is in session. No left turn after school.

    • 7:30am – 8:30am (Daily)
    • 1:00pm – 2:15pm (Mondays)
    • 2:30pm – 4:00pm (Tuesday‐Friday)

    Morris Elementary: 

    • You may utilize the visitor parking on the EAST side of Morris except during the hours listed above. If you plan to pick‐up or drop‐off during the times listed above, please park in the designated parking lot of your child’s specific scenario. (i.e. Morris ONLY = SOUTH lot)

    Anderson Elementary: 

    • You may utilize parking on the EAST side of Anderson except during the hours listed above. If you plan to pick‐up or drop‐off during the times listed above, please park in the lot SOUTH of Anderson.

    Intermediate School: 

    • You may utilize parking on the EAST side of the intermediate school except during the hours listed above. If you plan to pick‐up or drop‐off during the times listed above, please park in the lot NORTH or WEST of the intermediate school. The drive around the WEST side of the intermediate school is closed from 8:45am-1:15pm (Mondays) and 8:45am-2:45pm (Tuesday-Friday).